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Natural horsemanship

The road to safer and more ethical equestrian practices...

Natural horsemanship, also known in Spain as natural horsemanship, has its roots in ethology. We should really speak of ethological riding, since riding itself is anything but natural for the horse.  By natural, we refer to the nature of the hair, to an ethical horsemanship that takes into account their well-being and their way of being. 

The ethology is a science, the science of studying the behavior of any animal in its natural habitat. With ethological riding, we speak of an ethology applied to riding, where we try to better understand the behavior of the horse, its ethogram,  in an environment accommodated by man.

Ethological horsemanship is the missing link for almost all of us because it is not usually taught as a foundation to classical horsemanship. 

The purpose of this site is to transmit, share experience and knowledge about ethological horsemanship.  Ao help other riders to reflect and evolve with a different perspective in order to practice a more ethical and safe riding, whatever their discipline and practice a more ethical and safe riding, regardless of their discipline and level.

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